It has taken me a few hours of procrastination to get here and write. Don't know why I'm not actively looking for part-time work anymore, even though that was the plan for today. I'm sinking into this limbo. No work brings about strange thoughts to my mind though. I'm hoping they move in and out of my body of their own accord. I think it could be the same way that tree with scary branches holds Harry, Hermione and Ron in the first book? You let the tree do what it has to do while you stay put and soon enough you'll pass through it. I'm not vouching for inaction but maybe not panicking for no apparent reason will help. Plus I think getting rid of boys from life for a while is a good idea. I need a clean slate.
I'm also thinking it will help to rant here often. Maybe a daily diary entry of sorts. I'm not even going to try and filter it or make it fancy because I'm certain that not too many people are here. And that has always been such a comforting thought. This also means I can go uncensored and unedited and that's just fucking brilliant!
I've started to go for a run in the morning, along with my crossfit classes, to this very green and very big park that is close to my place. I listen to a podcast on my way and run to Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Kanye West and Beyonce. Then I walk for a bit while listening to Ludovico Einuadi and Coldplay and the result is quite wonderful really. Since last year I am getting comfortable with solitude and I've come quite far. Things make much more sense and I write better.
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