Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I’m fantasizing about my future as a failed writer.
There’s some poetry in that life, there is.
In tall cigarettes becoming slowly stunted, like my hope.
In a quivering, wasted hand that couldn’t lift the pen in time; now clutching a heavy glass with cheap whiskey.
A failed marriage. A cheating husband.
And the absence of a child, who could’ve been my last chance at happiness.
There’s some poetry in that life, there is.
Perhaps then I’d hit it. Nurse all my grief like a newborn and then suddenly smash its skull on paper and create something heartbreakingly phenomenal.
By destroying myself.
Writing comes from suffering after all. Doesn’t it?

No. It doesn’t.  

1 comment:

  1. There is a beautiful poet behind this poem. Brilliant. :)
